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Just a Teacher​


'A Tale of Change'


She's the unsung hero,
Just a teacher,
Too tired to sleep,
She's up before dawn,
With the robins,
She's on her feet.
She writes 'till night,
Like a poet,
Then slowly drifts off,
She's works for pennies,
She don't give up.
But hey darlin',
Rest those eyes,
You seem so tired,
But you shine so bright.
She's the strength of a queen,
She's a carer,
Who cares so much,
From the girl she holds,
Who's crying,
Daddies passed on.
And the boy who's sad,
He's lonely,
He don't fit in,
So she says he's perfect,
And proud,
And can be anything.

But hey darlin',
Don't hide those tears,
I know you're hurtin',
But heroes can get scared.
She's a storywriter,
She's a nurse,
She don't give up,
She's a painter and a chef,
She's a runner,
It's all for love.
But hey darlin',
I hope you know I'm proud,
You make the difference,
In a world that's gone so mad.

She's the unsung hero,
Just a teacher,
Too tired to sleep.




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